Individual support plans for persons with disabilities

When a person with a disability uses a long-term disability service, a support plan is necessary. A support plan is ideally created by the recipient person with a disability and the disability service that is providing assistance to them.

Support services that apply a person centered approach to their service guarantee that the individual is at the center of all that is done. At ADACare, we not only put a person centered approach at the center of our service but also work with every individual focusing on assisting their lives to our highest capacity guided by their wants and needs.
In our teams and organisation, person-centred methods are used to ensure that our focus is on what matters to the individuals getting care along with their families. Our person-centered methods guarantee that we perceive people as distinct individuals who have great gifts and contributions to make.

Aged care and disability service providers begin building solutions for each of the concerns the individual has prioritised; this establishes the foundation for the outcome working towards the success of individual support plans for persons with disabilities.

Our Role at ADACare: Physical, Psychosocial and Emotional Support

As a responsible and dedicated disability service provider, we believe in a person-centered approach to working with individuals with a disability. We sincerely care about our clients, including providing emotional support for a disabled person we are assisting. Serving people in living full lives, supporting them in the ways that make the most sense to them, and seeing them realize their long-term goals and objectives are the essence of our disability support services.

Person centred supports NDIS places the disabled person at the centre of decision-making, and it is as simple as that. It is also rights and access-based approach, just like a youth worker asking the youth what they want rather than the service provider assessing their needs with no or little feedback from the recipient. It is not about what anyone else assumes that they need, it is about the support that they voice and identify themselves.

person centred supports under ndis

Listening, brainstorming together, coaching, evaluating ideas, and seeking feedback are all part of our person-centred approach. This process is to ensure that each individual is supported in achieving their unique objectives as they develop and evolve.

At ADACare, we make sure that we take a person-centred approach to all of our services. Our clients, their families, and carers decide when, how, and by whom they get assistance. We take pride in being the closest natural support for our participants when necessary, working and feeling to our highest capacity as a service provider.

When we’re working with someone, we keep their skills and interests in mind, as well as their communication preferences and who they’d want to engage with. It’s about people with disabilities taking charge of their life, making decisions, and participating.

We also check our progress in applying for person-centred support through a self-assessment tool for our team of carers. Providing person centred support allows persons with disabilities to have more choice and control over their lives, while also allowing us to give the best possible care in ways that reflect the person’s priorities. Working in this manner entails not just doing more, but also doing things differently according to the needs and wants of each of our clients.