Am I allowed to change my NDIS provider?
Yes, switching your current NDIS service provider is possible, but there’s a process you must follow. If you have a change in your circumstances or are not happy with your service provider, you may decide to change providers. You have the right to change your NDIS disability service provider and to make direct decisions about your care that affect your life.
ADACSS will guide you how to switch from one NDIS approved provider, to another one. ADACSS also explore some of the reasons why a change might be necessary through this guide. If you need further help, experienced ADACSS Client Services team can work with you to go through the whole process, contact us on or call us on 0439 108 935
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Why you may consider to switch your current NDIS accredited providers?
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) introduced for people with disabilities to cover the cost of any treatments and support services required. You can find NDIS providers through number of the way, but what is the process, if you want to change from your current NDIS Service provider?
Hopefully, most of the participants on the National Disability Insurance Scheme, are happy with their current providers and won’t ever need to switch providers. However, this is a stretch goal for any measure and reality tell us that the real world rarely works like this. Or while you may enter an agreement that satisfies your initial needs, your situation could change with time.
As a result, you could be in a situation where your current NDIS service provider no longer meets your requirements. Perhaps they’ve changed their services, process or support staff or maybe there’s been an alteration in management that’s led to different customer service models. Anyway, you’re in a situation where you’re unhappy with the support you’re receiving. In this scenario, you have rights to look for a change. After all, the NDIS exists to help you get the care and support you need. If your provider fails to do this, then it’s a waste of time sticking with them.
Here is a simple guide that shows stages go through if you have to proceed with decision on switching of your current NDIS service provider.

Stage 1: Inform your current NDIS service provider about the change
Before you do anything else, speak to the people that currently provide your support services. This is important as they probably don’t think anything is wrong. Think about it, if they haven’t received any complaints from you, then they can safely assume you’re happy with the service.
Contact your service provider and talk to them about your specific issues. Explain that you feel like you’re not getting the support you need. Tell them of any particular problems you’d like to address, and they should listen to all of your concerns.
Primarily, the aim of this step is to alert your service provider to your current position. Hopefully, they listen to your problems and actively try to help you out. This could mean they offer a different NDIS plan or alter your service agreement to offer more support. In which case, you no longer need to leave, and it saves a lot of bother! But, if they can’t do anything, then you have to proceed with the next steps.
Hints: It’s well worth speaking to someone else about this before you talk to your NDIS service provider. You could speak to your Local Area Coordinator, Support Coordinator or ECEI Coordinator. You could confide in a family member or a close friend and see what they think about your situation as well. Talking to these people gives you an idea as to whether or not your complaints are worthwhile. Sometimes, we may be annoyed at little things, but the reality is that the service provider hasn’t done anything wrong. Moreover, people could tell you that the same issue occurs everywhere, so changing providers won’t stop it.
If you do not wish, you do not need to explain why you want to change your current service provider.
Stage 2: Review your service agreement
When you sign up to NDIS approved providers, you enter a service agreement. This is basically a contract that details everything you’re entitled to, and all the terms and conditions you’ve agreed with the service provider.
Find a copy of this agreement and look through all of the terms and conditions. Mainly, you want to seek out the part that talks about the termination of the agreement. Here, you will find info on any termination periods that exist when you want to cancel the agreement. Essentially, it lets you know how much notice you must give before cancelling the agreement. There could also be a clause that stipulates if you have any cancellation fees to pay by ending the agreement early.
Hints: You need to check your current service agreement so you aren’t surprised by anything following the cancellation of your contract.

Stage 3: Inform your provider to end the service agreement
Then, you need to formally end the active service agreement with your current NDIS provider. Send the current service provider a formal email detailing your wishes. Not only does this provide them with a formal record, but it also shows when you engaged in the termination process. So, if there is a termination period, then it will come into play from this date.
Then wait their response. Your current NDIS service provider will end your service agreement according to condition set on your current service agreement with them.
Hints: A mistake some people make is that they do this by calling their provider on the phone. While you can definitely do it like this, there’s a significant issue. A phone call provides no physical evidence that you formally approached the company to terminate the agreement. Instead, it’s recommended you do this in writing – preferably via email.
You could seek out advice and assistance from a local area coordinator or an NDIS support coordinator to ensure that you say all the right things in your email. It’s also suggested that you ask for a written response in your email. This provides you with evidence that they have formally acknowledged your request. As such, if they try and stall things or claim that they didn’t see your email, then you can use their reply as evidence against them.
Stage 4: End your service booking
When you find a provider and sign the service agreement, your provider will add a service booking to your MyPlace portal. This basically shows that they are your provider and that you’re booked in with them.
So, the last step is ending this booking. You can’t do this, so you have to contact your current provider and make sure they do it for you. We strongly recommend you do this as soon as possible. Ending the service booking can stop your current service a minimum of 14 days after the request has been made.
This is essential as you need to get rid of this service booking before a new one can be made by another provider. During those 14 days, your old NDIS service provider has time to claim any outstanding payments that they’re entitled to.
In rare cases, you might need to contact the NDIA to get them to end the service booking for you.

Stage 5: Find your new NDIS service provider
Finally, you’re in a position to sign with another NDIS service providers. Have a look at an NDIS service provider list to see how many are available. Compare each one, create a shortlist, then decide which providers you want to consider more than others. Again, you need to compare them even more before settling on your decisions.
Then, it’s just a case of contacting the new NDIS service provider and following the same steps you went through when you signed up for your old provider. Some companies have slightly different application methods, but they’ll explain things for you in more detail.
Hints: You could seek out advice and assistance from a local area coordinator or an NDIS support coordinator to help you to find a NDIS service provider.
If you need help to switch your current provider, feel free to contact us. You can also ask any question you might need answered about our services. As the team of ADACSS, we are here to help anyone that might need help in Sydney. Get in touch by calling us at 0292327055, send us an email or book online.
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