Supported Independent Living (SIL) Accommodation

Private Elderly Home Care

Supported independent living (SIL) and specialist disability accommodation (SDA) are NDIS supports designed to help disabled people with extreme conditions. 

SIL aims to provide help with the daily living of NDIS participants whereas SDA provides accommodation to NIDS participants who need intense support. These two supports are separate options you can include in your plan to achieve your NDIS goals. Depending on your condition and goals you might be eligible to benefit from both or only one of these supports. 

Reach out to your support coordinators to explore your options for SIL and SDA funding.

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What is Supported Independent Living?

SIL is a type of support funded by NDIS for people with disabilities. SIL aims to help NDIS participants to live as independently as possible, help with their day-to-day activities, and encourage them to gain new skills. If you need 24/7 support to manage your life, SIL funding might be a suitable option for you. With SIL, you can get help with cooking, cleaning, and personal care at your house or at a shared living home. However, SIL does not cover rent, day-to-day spendings such as food, utilities, and paid activities.

It is important to note that SIL is funded separately from specialist disability accommodation (SDA). 

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What is Specialist Disability Accommodation?

SDA is a form of shared accommodation offered to people in need of intense support. Eligible NDIS participants can be a part of shared living these specialist housing arrangements designed to improve their quality of life, support building new skills, and create a sociable environment. SDA funding is given to these specialist houses to cover the capital costs. It does not involve any personal support, rent or, day-to-day expenses. 

If you are in need of specialist accommodation SDA funding will be included in your NDIS plan to support the investment in these specialist housing arrangements.

What are the Criteria for Supported Living?

SIL is provided to a selected small number of NDIS participants according to their needs. You might be wondering whether your condition complies with the criteria for SIL. Here is what you need to know:

  • SIL funding is only provided to people over 18 years old.
  • Your goals and preferences should be in line with the purpose of SIL funding.
  • Your independence level should require 24/7 personal support
  • There must be no other suitable housing options.

Before NDIS decides if you are eligible for SIL funding or not, improvements to your current housing arrangement such as technological equipment can be considered.

Furthermore, SIL funding is not available for people in hospitals or prisons.

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How Does SIL Work?

Understanding how SIL funding works can be tricky because SIL is slightly different from other NDIS funds. SIL funding does not have a set amount of money, rather the amount is determined based on your needs, how your daily living looks like, and the level of support you require. You will need to consult with your support coordinator to include SIL in your NDIS plan and assess the necessary funds. 

Once you are accepted for SIL funding and the assessment is done, you can begin to get the help you need for an independent life and supportive environment. Your SIL provider offers you support with daily living tasks, helps you achieve your NDIS plan goals, attend to social and community activities, and manage appointments.

How Does SDA Funding Work?

SDA funding involves payment for the housing needs of eligible NDIS participants. Unlike SIL, SDA is not personal support but is designed to provide a suitable living arrangement for you. SDA funding promotes investment for dwellings offering shared or individual living options to people with extreme impairment. It is important to note that only NDIS registered housings can benefit from SDA funding. 

You can peruse the market and choose the most suitable SDA provider for you according to its location, dwelling size and level of accessibility. You might be able to find apartments, houses, villas, townhouses, or group homes as different accommodation options. All SDA providers must comply with SD rules and pricing. SDA funding is included in both your and the SDA provider’s plan. The payments are paid by NDIA directly to the SDA provider on behalf of you. In addition to SDA payments, you will need to pay rent under Reasonable Rent Contribution during your accommodation.

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SIL Provider

If you have been found eligible for SIL funding and seeking to find a suitable provider for you, you can choose from numerous NDIS registered SIL providers. ADACare is one of the many SIL providers that offer help with your daily activities, encourage you to gain new skills and move towards your goals, and provide a nurturing environment for you whether you are living in a shared environment or at your own house. ADACare makes sure that you receive the support you need 24/7. For further information on supported independent living, you can consult with your provider.

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