The new 2019/2020 NDIS price guide | MyCareSpace

The NDIA has published a report with the results of the Annual Price Review. The Review made 14 recommendations which are reflected in the changes made to the Price Guide 2020–21.

Some of the important updates include:

  • introducing psychosocial recovery coaches to support participants with psychosocial disability
  • improving clarity on the way prices are set for Supported Independent Living (SIL)
  • new features to provide opportunities for participants access to alternative living arrangements as part of Individualised Living Options (ILO)
  • introducing Programs of Supports to improve choice and control for participants
  • improving the definition of some locations throughout Australia to regional, remote, or very remote to ensure continued service and reach by NDIS providers.
  • changes to the Disability Support Worker Disability Support Worker
  • Temporary Transformation Payment updates
  • clarifying definitions for high intensity support levels 1 to 3 and time of day and day of week
  • retaining the cancellation rule to claim 100 per cent
  • more providers eligible to charge establishment fees
  • group-based support changes including capital costs
  • plan managers are now eligible to claim provider travel and non-face-to-face supports
  • safeguards for Programs of Support
  • provider travel rule updates with new line items to claim non-labour costs
  • geographic classification changes from 1 October 2020.

The NDIA published a Price Guide and Support Catalogue on 2nd June 2020 to come into effect 1st July 2020.

These documents currently have unindexed price limits based on price limits for 2019–20. The NDIA will soon publish the updated price limits that apply from 1st July 2020, as these depend on the outcome of the Fair Work Commission decision on minimum wage rates.